Our Intercollegiate Skaters

IllinoiSkating Intercollegiate skaters come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, but we are united together in our passion for skating! Click below to check out our team stats:

  • Our impressive roster of 32 contains a vibrant mixture of students from UIUC! Here’s how that number breaks down: Freshmen (9), Sophomores (14), Juniors (5), Seniors (3), and Grad (1)

  • The team is made up of 22 different majors, including:

    Advertising, Biology, Bioengineering, Bioinformatics, Business, Chemisty, Community Health, Crop Science, Computer Science, Data Science, Elementary Education, Finance, Global Studies, Information Systems, Kinesiology, Marketing, Mechanical Engineering, Molecular and Cellular Biology, Neuroscience, Pre-med, Psychology, and Undeclared

  • Here are the breakdowns for highest tests passed from our skaters:

    Moves in the Field: N/A (8.7%), Preliminary (13%), Pre-juvenile (4.3%), Juvenile (8.7%), Intermediate (8.7%), Novice (4.3%), Junior (4.3%), Senior (47.8%)

    Freeskate: N/A (31.2%), Pre-preliminary (12.5%), Pre-juvenile (9.4%), Juvenile (12.5%), Intermediate (15.6%), Novice (6.3%), Junior (3.1%), Senior (9.4%)

    Dance: N/A (71.9%), Bronze (3.1%), Pre-silver (3.1%), Silver (3.2%), Pre-gold (3.1%), Gold (12.5%), International (3.1%)