What is Synchronized Skating?

A team sport in which 12-16 skaters perform a program together. It uses the same judging system as singles, pairs and ice dance, and is characterized by teamwork, speed, intricate formations and challenging step sequences.

What does the time commitment look like?

Our team has three on-ice practices a week including one morning practice and one night practice during the week, as well as a weekend practice. Practices are before or after all classes and will not interfere with school! We also have one off-ice practice and workout per week. As for competitions, we have five throughout the year and generally will not miss any classes for competitions.


IllinoiSkating gave me a way to stay active through something I love, and make some amazing friends right at the start of college. It made my transition to school much less intimidating.

— Meghna Shankar, Class of 2022


How expensive will it be to join this team?

Our dues are typically between 3,000 and 4,000 dollars per season but we always hope to lower the cost through fundraising. This cost will cover everything that is part of the team: travel, ice time, competition dresses, hotels stays, team wear and much more!

Can I still rush a sorority or frat if I am a part of the IllinoiSkating program?

Yes! We have had many of our previous skaters also participate in Greek Life at UIUC and hold board positions within both organizations. It is more than possible to participate in both!


What if I want to study abroad?

Generally, synchronized skating is a two semester commitment, but we welcome all skaters and have made exceptions in the past for those who study abroad! Intercollegiate has separate competitions each semester. Please reach out with more questions about both skating and studying abroad through our email! Contact us at illinois.synchronized.skating@gmail.com to see how we can make something work!

What if I am still unsure about skating in college?

We have an informational meeting for anyone interested in both teams team and a trial clinic the first week of classes. These events are only tryouts - not a full team commitment. Even if you are unsure about skating in college, come check us out to get a little more information and meet both teams! If you are an incoming skater at UIUC, make sure to stop by and see our booth at Quad Day or visit the UI Ice Arena while touring!


please reach out with any questions!